Friday, December 17, 2004

Look what the stork brought us today!

5 little kittens! The mother cat in our house gave birth this morning, yay! There are two orange ones, one black one with a white mark on it's neck, a plain white one and lastly, my kitten, kind of creamy brown. We still can't figure out what colour it is yet but I'm hoping it turns out a siamese.


This is them, freshly out of the mother's sore vagina. Mine is the one under the mother's hindleg. I call her "Booboo". Lol.


Sucking on momma's nipples. Oh yea! The cool thing is, all the kittens have one feature in common. The all have stripey patterns on their thighs. Awww... look at the black one resting it's cute little limb on little Booboo.


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